"Within Us Lies
The Peace, Beauty,
The Glory Of Our Being.
We Cannot Seek It Outside.
We Have To Go Within."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
To Our Online Meditation Course...
We could all do with less stress in our lives.
Meditation is a state of Thoughtless Awareness, where everyday activity of the mind ceases,
but one remains peaceful and aware in Mental Silence.
This State of Silence occurs spontaneously when one learns how to focus on the experience
of the present moment,
leading to a State of Peace and Calm.
This Universal practices are easy to learn and can be practiced by any age, race, or creed.
Through a simple process, known as Self-Realisation (Kundalini Awakening)
this meditation state can be quickly established,
maintained and most importantly,
There are 10 Lessons in this course
One lesson per week
Each week you will receive a link for the lesson for that week (according to your pace).
The link will be sent to you via email.
Once you've completed the lesson for that week, kindly complete the feedback form (to be found at the end of each lesson)
You are welcome to email us with any difficulties or questions you may have - Email: letsmeditate.online@gmail.com WhatsApp Number: 063 092 6446
Our Weekly Sessions –
Can help you experience the true state of meditation and how to remain in balance.
The techniques are easy to learn and practice.
Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.
No prior knowledge is necessary, everything is explained
What Does 'Sahaja Yoga' Mean?
‘Sahaja’ means ‘born within or spontaneous’ whilst ‘Yoga’ means ‘union with the Divine’.
So what we are saying is that-
"you are born with an energy that lies within you, that will give you union with the Divine”.
This power or energy that will give you your union, your connection, your enlightenment, your freedom , your moksha with your spirit/ the all-pervading Divine power/ the source of all and many other names… most definitely will not be found Outside but Inside of you.
This energy - 'Mothering energy', called Kundalini (Sanskrit), is patiently waiting for you to ask for
Her to give you your union with the source of all.
Overview of the Course
Week One
Guided Meditation - Self Realisation
Foot Soak - Using the Water & Earth Element
(Short Talk by Shree Mataji - to follow)
Protective Shield - Raising the Kundalini and putting on a Band of Protection
What is to be done everyday for Week One.
Feedback Form
Week Two
Section One:
The Kundalini (Mothering Energy)
The Chakras (Energy Centers)
The Nadis (Energy Channels)
Section Two:
Guided Meditation - Clearing and Balancing the Left and Right Energy Channels
What is to be done everyday for Week Two.
Feedback Form
Chakra One:
Mooladhara Chakra - Pelvic Plexus
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Three
Feedback Form
Chakra Two:
Swadisthan Chakra - Aortic Plexus
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Four
Feedback Form
Chakra Three:
Nabhi Chakra - Solar Plexus
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Five
Feedback Form
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Six
Feedback Form
Chakra Four:
Anahata Chakra - Cardiac Plexus
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Seven
Feedback Form
Chakra Five:
Vishuddhi Chakra - Cervical Plexus
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Eight
Feedback Form
Chakra Six:
Agnya Chakra - Optic Chiasma
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Nine
Feedback Form
Chakra Seven:
Sahasrara Chakra - Limbic Area of the Brain
Guided Meditation
What is to be done everyday for Week Ten
Feedback Form
Conclusion of (Beginner) Level 1
Over-all assessment
Guided Meditation
Preparation for the (Intermediate) Level 2
What is to be done everyday for Week Eleven
Feedback Form
Here is a Video Recording of an Online Public Program Conduction
This video was created specifically to help make it easier for the beginner to do the course.
In this video you will be introduced to Sahaja Yoga Meditation and the Founder of Sahaja Yoga.
Learn how to Meditate.
How to cleanse your chakras.
How to balance your energy channels.
How to connect to the Love and Peace within.
How to develop & maintain the state of Meditation.
How to use the energy within to heal yourself