The Kundalini is your individual Mother. She rests in the sacrum bone, waiting for the right opportunity to be awakened at the right time by a Realised Being.
Once awakened she purifies,
cleanses and nourishes the human body as a
mother bathes her infant child.
She manifests compassion that soothes and nurtures us.
Kundalini means 'coiled energy'
Within every human being there is a Motherly and Soothing Spiritual Energy lying dormant at the base of the spine in the triangular sacrum bone, in three and a half coils - (The Greeks were aware that the bone they called hieron osteon (sacred bone or sacrum) carried within it a 'sacred' energy which lead to the Pneuma or Spirit).
Once this extraordinary energy is awakened,
it rises up along the spine inside the spinal cord,
and passes through all the chakras or energy centers in our subtle system before opening the "Sahasrara"
the last center on top of our heads.
This is how one achieves 'Yoga or Union' with the source of all.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the
Power that has created you"
- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -
This Mothering Energy that lies within every human being has been called by many names in the different traditions.
The Hindus called this energy Kundalini Shakti the Greeks referred to this energy as "Pneuma". Islam speaks of "Ruh",
and Jesus Christ called it "The Holy Spirit". In Jewish mysticism it was called as "Shekina" and long time before that,
the Sumerians worshipped the Mother Goddess Inanna, which gives spiritual birth and the sacred breath.
Several thousands of years ago, "Chaitanya" in India. "The Self", translated as "Divine Vibrations " in Sahaja Yoga.
Jnaneshwar, the great Indian saint of the 12th century,
described this sacred power as follows:
"So lies the Kundalini, Very small and coiled three and a half times, like a female serpent with her head turned downwards. She is like a ring of lightning."
Kundalini and Self Realisation
Self-Realisation is a subtle inner experience which manifests when the Kundalini rises from the sacrum along the spinal column to emerge from the crown of the head at the place know as the fontanelle. This term was not chosen by chance; fontanelle signifies "little fountain", which, like the Kundalini, springs at this precise location on the head.
"She arises from the base center to ascend straight to the opening of Brahman In Her is Energy,
like a serpent coiled around itself, flamboyant like a thousand lightning flashes,
delicate like a lotus petal."
-Advaya-Taraka Upanishad -
Once awaken, the Kundalini bathes the attention of the seeker in a state of serenity by slowing and gradually stopping of thoughts (Nirvichara Samadhi). The Kundalini goes on taking the seeker into a state of contemplation and bliss (Anand).
As the Kundalini ascends, she lifts the yogi's attention to the Self. When his/her consciousness is immersed in the Self, the one seeking truth know that he is the Spirit, for the Spirit enters into his consciousness. There is no longer any dualism between knowing and being. These two states are merged in a single absolute, the sole reality of the Self. The Kundalini is therefore the vehicle which makes it possible to attain the Self.
"To know the Self is to be the Self, for there are not two Selves.
To know is to be. Awareness is Being."
-Ramana Maharshi-
"We have the Mother within ourselves, in our hearts, and if She is awakened,
She is going to look after us. She is going to give all the protection that is needed. And there is nothing to be frightened of."
"Kundalini cures you, she improves you, she bestows all the blissful things upon you. She takes you away from the worries at the grosser level".
-Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi-
The Kundalini, the Golden Goddess, is beyond all dimensions, beyond time and space, cause and effect, and science. Whereas science is a study of matter, she is the source of matter. When our seeking becomes pure of all aggression then she responds in her sweet and loving ways. Then she gives in abundance of all her treasures and quenches our eternal thirst with the sweetest ambrosia.
She is the individual Mother, the one who nourishes and resides in our being as Kundalini. She manifests compassion that soothes and nurtures us. She rest in the sacrum bone and waits for the right opportunity to be awakened at the right time by a realised Being.
"She knows everything about you and is anxiously waiting to give you your second birth" - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi-
"Spirit is the most precious thing that we have within ourselves.
The preciousness of your spirit is immeasurable and that is why it is called the thing of 'eternal value'.
Because it is infinite, we cannot measure it."
H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The Spirit is the reflection of Almighty God,
whereas the Kundalini is the reflection of the power of His Desire within us
Once awaken, the Kundalini bathes the attention of the seeker in a state of serenity by slowing and gradually stopping of thoughts (Nirvichara Samadhi).
The Kundalini goes on taking the seeker into a state of contemplation and bliss (Anand)
As the Kundalini ascends, she lifts the yogi's attention to the Self.
When his/her consciousness is immersed in the Self, the one seeking truth know that he is the Spirit, for the Spirit enters into his consciousness. There is no longer any dualism between knowing and being. These two states are merged in a single absolute, the sole reality of the Self. The Kundalini is therefore the vehicle which makes it possible to attain the Self.
"To know the Self is to be the Self, for there are not two Selves.
To know is to be. Awareness is Being."
-Ramana Maharshi-