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Technique 2

Clearing our Chakras 

The signals we get of our chakra we call as "catches".  We can use the techniques below to help clear these catches prior to meditating.  In this way we help the Kundalini do her job and we grow deeper in meditation.  (Note - some catches clear gradually over time.  Regular use of the following techniques accelerates the clearing.

Giving Vibrations with (chakras bandhans)

Put your left hand toward a picture of Shri Mataji.

  • Now put your right hand to the area of your body associated to the chakra that needs vibrations.

  • Move your hand in a clockwise circle, always down to your left.

  • Move your hand for one minute and stop.

  • See now if that heavy, hot, or tingling feeling is gone in your finger or hand, and has been replaced with a cool sensation, which indicates that the vibrations are now flowing without obstruction. 


Most Sahaja techniques use the right hand as the actor as it represents the hand of action, whilst the left hand represents the hand of desire.


A chakra bandhan is a clockwise motion as if stirring a cup of tea vertically with your four fingers at the level location of a chakra. One can do this for  7 or 21 rotations, or until one feels some benefit.


Giving Vibrations with (Affirmations)

If you are working on your left channel or center channel chakras:

  • Put your left hand toward a picture of Shri Mataji.

  • Place your right hand on the area of your body associated with the chakra that needs vibrations. 

  • You can say the relevant ‘affirmation’ to help re-establish the pure quality of the chakra.

If you are working on your right channel chakras: 

  • Put your right hand toward a picture of Shri Mataji.

  • Place your left hand on the area of your body associated with the chakra that needs vibrations. 



  • If you can not remember the correct affirmation, then simply say ‘Mother please clear this center’, addressing the Mothering energy Kundalini within.

  • The above can also done same way using sahaja mantras. 

  • Affirmations and mantras can be said aloud or silently within your heart.

Take Note!

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