“Sahaja” (Sanskrit word), which means
'spontaneous' and also 'born with',
“Yoga” means 'union with God'.
Sahaja Yoga is actively practiced in over 130 countries around the world and is an effective solution to the spiritual,mental, emotional, and physical problems of the modern times. Sahaja Yoga Meditation has demonstrated positive results in several research areas including health, education, agriculture, etc.
“Whatever is inborn would manifest without any effort.
Hence, “Sahaja Yoga” is the name given to my system, which is
effortless, easy and spontaneous.
It is natural to Nature
(you may call it life’s source, vitality of Divine).”
-H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi-

Since time immemorial human beings have been in search of truth, God, life, nature and all that could give an understanding of the origin, cause, reason, purpose and the end objective of life.
To know thyself and thy creation has been the key to the quest in all ages and times. This quest has given birth to various schools of thought: philosophy, literature, science etc.
Sahaja Yoga is an ancient system of yoga and can therefore be termed as
‘the divine path for emancipation of freedom from all bondage’.
What is Sahaja Yoga Meditation? A brief overview..
In each of us there is a Mothering energy, known for centuries as the key to spiritual enlightenment. It lies dormant, coiled in the Sacrum bone at the base of the spine. It is called Kundalini, meaning feminine coiled energy.
When awakened, by the grace of H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, we feel a gentle cool fountain of energy above the top of the head and cool vibrations on the hands. Sometimes a warm energy is felt as the Kundalini encounters friction in its path - however this will clear to cool vibrations.
The awakened Kundalini connects us with our Spirit and the universal love that surrounds and pervades everywhere. This 'union of our Spirit with the Divine energy is the true Yoga event' (yoga means 'union') and gives us our 'Self Realisation'.
Through the efforts of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, all who desire can now awaken their Kundalini spontaneously.
With attention in the cool flow of energy above the head, we go into 'Thoughtless Awareness'.
With simple short daily practice we quickly experience the peace, joy and other amazing benefits that this meditation brings.
How to get Started?
You may start with 'Awakening your Kundalini' for the first time, or to reaffirm its presence. (click the link)
To read more on 'The Kundalini' (click this link or the link below).
Please note: To maintain and increase the Kundalini flow, it is important to meditate for 10 to 15 minutes or so, each day. Click: 'Let's Meditate', to start...
To read further, click the links below...
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a unique experience which brings us naturally into a 'State of Enlightened Mental Silence' in which conflict dissolves in the dimension of Inner Peace...
She is the individual Mother, once awakened she purifies, washes cleanses and nourishes the human body as a mother bathes her infant child.
She manifests compassion that soothes and nurtures us.
She rest in the sacrum bone and waits for the right opportunity
to be awakened at the right time by a Realised Being...
The Subtle System is also called the 'tree of life' in many spiritual traditions.
It is closely linked to our nervous system, which it keeps in balance, and after Self Realisation, it actually enables us to feel the state of our energy channels and our chakras...
The signals we get of our chakra we call as "catches". We can use the techniques below to help clear these catches prior to meditating. In this way we help the Kundalini do her job and we grow deeper in meditation. (Note - some catches clear gradually over time. Regular use of the following techniques accelerates the clearing.
Extensive Research has been conducted by numerous Scientist & Doctors - in Australia, India, Russia, etc.
To list a few cases:
The Benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Skin Temperature changes with Mental Silence
Sahaja Yoga Meditation proven to be Highly Effective for Treatment of STRESS & DEPRESSIVE MOOD
Studies: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder - ADHD
Meditation (health befits)
Sahaja Yoga Globally
Sahaja Yoga is actively practiced in over 130 countries globally and is an effective solution to the spiritual,mental,emotional,and physical problems of the modern times.
All Sahaja Yoga public programs around the world are entirely free of charge and always open to the public.
As Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says, "Truth cannot be sold, it cannot be purchased", it is just to be experienced and enjoyed.
There are many seminars,workshops and programs conducted on a weekly basis around the world.
To find a program in our area - globally, please click on the link below:
They represent 'Innocence and Joy' in our lives.
And as we all know "Children are our Future". So why not empower them with a direct connection to their inner being, a connection that they can hold onto for the rest of their lives.
This connection or awakening would be able to guide, nurture and help them develop into confident, well balanced adults, should they desire to continue...
To Get Your SELF REALISATION -Awakening of Kundalini click:
​To Start Meditation click: